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Saint Helena Knights 2024 Coat Drive collected 780 Coats to help the poor keep warm this winter!

Coats were given to The Norristown Hospitality Center for the Homeless, The Saint Vincent DePaul Society, Saint Parick's Parish Norristown, Sisters of Charity Norristown and Philadelphia, The Legion of Mary My Brothers Keeper Norristown, Martha's Food Pantry Norristown, and Omnion help for Mothers Norristown.

Saint Helena Knights Crosses for Life
along Rte. 202 in Blue Bell, PA

Saint Helena 2024 Eucharistic Procession

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Saint Helena Council
9/11 Memorial Mass to honor Police,
Fire, and EMT heroes
that serve our

See more pictures in the pictures tab

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                       SHS Winners!
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        YOU CAN CONTACT ANY MEMBER KNIGHT AT SAINT HELENA OR CONTACT:                                     Ted Pantaleo, 952-237-8684 Grand Knight                                                           or:


Blue Mass honoring area Police, Fire, and Rescue workers on September 11.

Saint Helena Council Soccer Challenge and Basketball Free Throw contest for Students.

Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup in the Fall and Spring along Route 202.

Parish Family Saint Helena Communion Breakfast.

Chance of a Lifetime Raffle Tickets.

Sponsoring and running the Landon Vargas Kickball tournament at Saint Helena for Childhood Cancer

Sponsoring the Saint Helena Basketball Tournament.

Supporting the Saint Helena John Shapiro run for Childhood Cancer

Christmas Party for the retired Nuns of Montgomery County.

Teachers of Saint Helena School Christmas Luncheon.

Essay Contest for Saint Helena 8th Grade Students.

Fish Fry Dinners During Lent for the Parish

Support for the "A Baby's Breath" Organization.

Support for Mother Theresa's Homeless Shelter in Norristown.

Volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House at Children's Hospital.

We "Adopted a Seminarian at Saint Charles" by sending a check to help with tuition

and expenses.

Rosaries presented to all 8th Grade Graduates of Saint Helena School at the Graduation Ceremony.

Sponsoring a graduate from Saint Helena, and now a student at Loyola University in Baltimore, for a Summer immersion and helping trip to El Salvador.

Providing Coats in the Knights "Coats for Children Program." Given to Children in Norristown.

Saint Helena Knights sponsored yearly Red Cross Blood Drive.

Sponsoring a Graduate from Saint Helena, and now a student at LaSalle High, for a charity trip to a Montana Indian Reservation.


Support for a Kindergarten student from Saint Helena that needed Cancer Surgery across the Country.


Support for a Family with a Cancer Patient in our Parish.


Support for two needy 8th Grade Graduates that need our help to attend

 Catholic High School.


Helping with a Donation to Amigos de Jesus Orphanage in Guatemala.


Helping with the Special Olympics as Volunteers at Villanova University.


Shop Rite Bagging Event for Hunger in Norristown.


Running a Family Bowling night for Saint Helena Families at Facenda Whitaker Lanes.


Helping with a donation to "For Pete's Sake"  organization.


Helping and donating to the Erin Moore Lemonade stand after Mass for Childhood Cancer.


Purchase of  Memorial Trees at Saint Helena School for John Shapiro and Landon Vargas.


Feeding Patients and Families at the Ronald McDonald House at Philadelphia Children's Hospital.

Sponsoring a former Saint Helena Student and Temple University Graduate on a Catholic Mission to the Country of Togo in Western Africa.


Sponsoring a Dinner every year for our Parish Priests at Saint Helena.


Running a Summer Picnic for the Saint Helena Parish Community.

Sponsoring the Novena For Life Rosary

at the Saint Helena Chapel.

Attending the March for Life in Washington DC and Harrisburg PA.

Holding a Retreat and Holy Hour for 

Member Knights and Parishioners of St. Helena.

Raising 5000 pounds of food for local food banks in the Norristown area.

Sponsoring family Week in our Parish with various family events.

Knights volunteering time with Habitat for Humanity to help families in need. 

Donation to National Knights of Columbus Charities.

Donation to North Wales and Whitpain Townships Police for food during the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Donations to a Saint Helena Graduate and Temple University Student

hurt in an Accident in Philadelphia.

Various Donations to Martha's Choice Food Bank in Norristown during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Donations to a Saint Helena Family that lost everything in a House fire.

Donation to the Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown to help with the animals during the Pandemic.

Charitable Donations of nearly $15,000 in 2020 alone have been given to support our parish and local community organizations.

Donation to a Saint Helena Student

having Brain Surgery at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Sponsorship of the Saint Helena Family of the Month.

Donation to the Saint Gianna Center in Philadelphia.

Donation to the Sisters of Saint Joseph for their work with Afghan Refugees in Philadelphia

Donation to Kentucky Knights of Columbus helping after the Deadly Tornados Disaster Relief.

Donation of Mens Winter Coats to Brothers Keeper in Norristown.

Large Donation to Knights in Poland helping the Ukrainian refugees.


Saint Helena Council Welcomes You!


From the moment of our founding in 1882, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. We are Catholic men of faith and men of charitable action.

In 2016, the Knights of Columbus set a record in charitable giving for the 18th consecutive year. Our charitable donations increased from $175 million in 2015 to a new total of $177,500,673 in 2016. In addition, we achieved our highest level of charitable service in 2016, volunteering more than 75 million hours of service. The number of service hours contributed by Knights rose in 2016 by more than a million over the previous year’s total.

Our charitable activities encompass an almost infinite variety of local, national and international projects. Our own unique charities include the Christian Refugee Relief FundDisaster ReliefUltrasound Initiative, and Coats for Kids. We also partner with international charities including Special Olympics, the Global Wheelchair Mission and Habitat for Humanity.

Through our Building the Domestic Church initiative, Knights and their families have greater opportunities to participate in a variety of activities that deepen their faith, promote the New Evangelization, and strengthen our parishes. These activities include the Family Fully Alive Devotional ProgramFather's Day Affirmation of Wedding VowsFood for Families and the Keep Christ in Christmas Campaign.

"We are answering Pope Francis’ call to go to the peripheries,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said. “We can reach half way around the globe to help those in need and we can reach to our neighbor next door. And we do that every day. That makes us witnesses to the faith."

If you’d like to be a part of an international organization of nearly 2 million Catholic men whose principal work involves helping others in need, we'd like to meet you and invite you to join us.

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